Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quite the Week...

and (un)fortunately I can't share any of the details. I usually love my day job but this was a week where I wished I only worked with clay, not people. I find it very difficult to deal with situations where bad things happen to children. So, in an attempt to avoid thinking I spent some quality time with sugar and then to undo all that damage I bought some new shoes and started running...well, I ran...we'll hope that I can keep it going when I'm not having to do it in order to empty my brain.Moving on... Gunilla sent me these lovely photos to show what she did with her Cerulan Batik Leaf Pendant... Didn't she come up with a gorgeous combination? I love the surprise of the stones in the back.

We took a fun little road trip yesterday to Julian and back through the Laguna Mountains. Julian is all about the pie, which we all sampled. Apple pie is usually the big draw but I couldn't pass up strawberry-rhubarb! We also went through a very rustic little gallery/shop cluster that was an old little house and renovated workshop type of building but the highlight was the pair of beautiful chickens that just hang out between the two buildings. Can you see them digging away in the photo? Unfortunately they're about the same color as the mix of leaves on the ground so you can't see their big fluffy feathery feet!

I have lots of glazing to do today (and a batch of lemon curd to whip up). I have to replenish my supply of bead caps since they were featured in Interweave's Beads 2010. I also just received my copy of the newest issue of Bead Frog Queen bracelet made it in with a really lovely photo (as always from the BT folks).

All righty then, off to squeeze some lemons...


  1. DOWN with bad work weeks, but YAY for new running shoes and going out and running! And YAY for pie!

    Glazes....something I know nothing about. Would you do a post showing the step-by-step process that goes into making those and how you decide which ingredients to use and when trying new they normally turn out how you expect?

  2. Hi Kelley,

    Definitely YAY for pie!

    I actually prefer using commercial glazes, I like the (usually) consistent results. Even then whenever I change to a different clay body (or get lazy and don't remix the glaze fully and frequently while glazing) it's unpredictable. There are a gazillion different glaze recipes out there, in books, on websites, etc. so that's how people choose. This site has a good run down on the (messy) overall process:

  3. Make that lemonade Mellisa!
    I think what Gunilla made is fabulous. Your pendant deserves to be the star. Enjoy the day! Erin

  4. running is the best way to clear your mind...right up there with creating!

  5. We went camping last year in the Julian area last year... beautiful.

    Such a pretty piece here! Boo for sad work but you dealt with your feelings in a healthy way :)

  6. I just love that necklace - it is beautiful. I hope you find lots of enjoyment in your new running shoes :)


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